What are Triad charges?

Triads are the three highest half hourly periods of demand usually between 4pm-7pm from November through to February. These three half hourly periods cover the cost of running the transmission network, also known as Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges. TUoS typically accounts for around 5% - 10% of your energy spend.
These three periods must be at least ten clear days apart and are only applicable to half hourly metered supplies, fixed contracts have already agreed to pay for full TUoS costs.
The National Grid introduced the TNUoS charge to help maintain supply and reduce peak energy demand during the winter months, however the Triad model is due to be replaced with the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) in the next couple of years.
When can you expect a Triad day?
- Despite the peak period being between 4pm - 7pm, a triad has never occurred between 4pm to 4:30pm or 6:30pm to 7pm.
- 82% of triads occur between 5pm and 5:30pm.
- Monday is the most likely day for a triad, followed by Thursday.
- December and January are the likely months for a triad.
- Last year was the first time ever that all 3 triads of the season fell within the same year (November/ December 2019).
Actions you can take to avoid Triad Charges:
- Turning off any unnecessary lighting, heating, and air conditioning
- Switching your power supply to battery storage
- Shifting your usage load to a different time or stopping your operation between peak hours.
History of Triad Dates:
- 2019/2020:
Triad 1: 18/11/19 17:30 Triad 2: 02/12/19 17:30 Triad 3: 17/12/19 17:00
- 2018/2019:
Triad 1: 22/11/18 17:30 Triad 2: 10/12/19 17:30 Triad 3: 23/01/19 18:00
- 2017/2018:
Triad 1: 11/12/17 17:30 Triad 2: 05/02/18 18:00 Triad 3: 26/02/18 18:30
Due to Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions, energy usage will differ from previous years and it will be harder than usual to predict anticipated triad days. Advantage and our in-house analysts are experts in the energy markets and can help you navigate this difficult time with our triad alert service.
Please contact us on 0207 371 5360 for more information on Triad services, legislation compliance such as TCR, ESOS, SECR and EII, procurement or energy services.